Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys (Law Firms) in Hampton
Full information about Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys in Hampton: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys:
101 Eaton St, Hampton, Virginia (VA), 23669
EditShapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys opening hours:
24 hours 7 days a week
EditReviews about Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys:
About Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys:
Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys is a full-service personal injury law firm in Hampton, Virginia. We are a leading Hampton personal injury attorneys firm. Since 1985, Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp has been dedicated to representing those injured due to the carelessness and fault of others from our Hampton, Virginia Beach, North Carolina, and other satellite offices. The firm has achieved many record-breaking settlements and verdicts since being established in 1985, handling car accident injuries, truck wreck injuries, railroad accidents, faulty product injuries, medical malpractice, and wrongful death claims. Our team of lawyers has represented thousands of accident injury victims while relying on decades of combined legal experience. We fight for a level playing field in the civil justice system which includes enforcing civil rights and equality under the law for all our clients. When we accept personal injury cases we accept them on a contingency fee meaning that there are no hourly fees or out-of-pocket expenses to the injured person. Our firm has obtained record-setting verdicts and settlements, and we offer free confidential consultations. Call the Hampton personal injury lawyer today If you have been injured in an accident. Our Hampton accident attorneys are 24/7 here available to assist you with all of your injury and accident law matters.
EditLaw Firms nearest to Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp Injury and Accident Attorneys:
Johnson Richard PC Hampton, Law Firms; 101 Eaton St, Hampton, VA, 23669-4079; (757) 728-3800
Oser Steven M Attorney Hampton, Law Firms; 131 E Queens Way, Hampton, VA, 23661; (757) 722-9739
Stellute Joseph J Hampton, Law Firms; 34 Wine St, Hampton, VA, 23669-4046; (757) 722-2815
Tichanski David M Hampton, Law Firms; 38 Wine St, Hampton, VA, 23669-4046; (757) 723-1403